Common Myths About Blinds Debunked

Window blinds have soared in popularity over the years, so much so that they’re often the preferred choice amongst most homeowners and businesses. Understanding how blinds work reveals why they have become such a favoured option.

With a wide and varied range of offerings, blinds suit both commercial and residential purposes, bringing a plethora of benefits from both a design and practical perspective.

Whether you’re seeking privacy, light control, or energy efficiency, blinds offer versatile solutions tailored to your specific needs. Their ability to enhance the aesthetic appeal while providing functional advantages makes them an must-have addition to any space.

Whenever you set out to purchase anything new, you’re likely to run into conflicting views and opinions. This ends up confusing you, more than helping you. Your search for new window furnishings is no different. 

So to help you in your search, we rounded up some of the most common misconceptions about these window furnishings out there. These are undoubtedly some of the biggest concerns, but as you’ll soon find out, they’re anything but. By the end of this, you’ll be breathing a sigh of relief!

1. They Can Spoil the View 

Sure the wrong blinds can definitely disrupt your view, but the right ones won’t.

Aside from meeting your practical and aesthetic needs, the right blinds will help retain vistas or block them.

For instance, you could consider a double-roller blind that has a blockout and sunscreen/ light filter fabric on the same bracket. This lets you filter light and choose your preferred view. That is, whether you want to keep views into or out of your home. You also have the option of total privacy and light control with the blockout feature. 

So in short, customising your blinds will make all the difference to your experience. And they certainly help you enhance your lifestyle.

2. They affect the brightness of the room

When it comes to learning how blinds work, light control is key. Blinds with slats such as Venetian blinds for instance, are extremely useful for more precision.

You can individually control the slats, so you can tilt them depending on the angle of the sun during the day.

Then light filter blinds will help diffuse light and gently disperse it so it’s not harsh on your interiors. So if you thought blinds meant either shutting out light completely or letting it in fully with no in-between, think again.

Motorised blinds will improve convenience, as you can remotely operate them with a remote or smart device. This lets you control light into your home from wherever you are.

3. They can detach and fall

Honestly, no. Unless of course it’s a freak incident, but even then the chances are slim-to-none.

Blinds are usually secured to the track and rail so that they’re well and truly fastened. They certainly won’t take it upon themselves to unhinge and come crashing down. That’s not how blinds work!

If you have them professionally installed, you get experienced people who know exactly what needs to be done. Once your blinds are installed, they’re good to go. Period.

Of course you might be wondering about how to clean your blinds, so you’ll be happy to know you can do this without taking them down. Simply dusting/ vacuuming them and wiping them every so often will do the job.

4. They are hazardous for kids as well as pets

The strings and cords on blinds can be a concern for homes with kids and pets. 

Cords and strings can be tucked away to keep them out of reach of curious little ones and pets. Additionally, cordless/ motorised blinds are a great option to consider, eliminating the risk altogether. By understanding how blinds work and opting for safer designs, you can create a secure environment for your children and pets.

5. All window blinds patterns are the same

Absolutely not true!

In fact, the sheer variety and styles of blinds that are out there will boggle your mind.

Sure, you may not have this selection when it comes to ready-made blinds at a retail store, but will with custom-made ones. Not only can you choose the type of blinds you need and want, you can precisely customise them.

Choose from a range of fabrics, colours, textures and patterns for a look that reflects your vision.

The combinations are endless, and allow you to step out of your comfort zone.

Match with your existing theme, or use these versatile window furnishings to create a style statement all of their own. There’s a variety of handmade window blinds to choose from.

6. Custom-made blinds are expensive

Perhaps once-upon-a-time they were, yes. However, today we have technology and knowledge at our disposal that far surpasses a few years ago. In short, custom-made blinds aren’t going to break the bank and their benefits make them totally worth it. Instead of spending hours browsing through off-the-shelf options at a store, you get exactly what you want. Additionally, if you book in for an in-home visit with us you can take a look at our fabric samples without leaving the house. Great if you have trouble coming up to the showroom in person or dealing with crowds. 


By choosing the right suppliers, you can save yourself a lot of headaches with this investment. Because at the end of the day, these window furnishings are an investment of sorts. They add value to your home and improve your standard of living. This in turn makes it more attractive if you ever need to rent or sell. Find out how we can create the perfect custom blinds for you by getting in touch with a consultant today.