5 Reasons Why Shutters Are A Great Choice

Ever spent time in a home with shutters for windows installed? Then you’ll already know how unique they are. The vibe is distinctly different, and the space exudes comfort, warmth and cosiness. You also can’t help but feel like you’re relaxing by the beach. That’s because they’re widely used in coastal homes, and are now a firm favourite amongst them. 

Stylish and timeless, shutters are a one-of-a-kind window furnishing option that also add value to your home. So they’re not just about looking good; they give you something more. Commonly built out of timber or aluminium, their horizontal louvres also called slats are their distinguishing feature. You may also have heard indoor shutters for windows referred to as plantation shutters.

Shutters may not immediately come to mind when thinking about window furnishings, and that’s because blinds and curtains are what most know about. However, their stunning classic design has certainly made an impression, along with their high functionality. 

Available in a range of colours and styles fitting into any awkward space, they’re more versatile than ever. Here we’ve rounded up everything you need to know about shutters, for your convenience. You’re welcome!

1. Unique Design Aesthetic

Both plantation shutters and outdoor shutters (aka external shutters) feature the unique design shutters are known for. This means you get to achieve the same consistent look throughout your home. 

Their design is made up of horizontal louvres/ blades fitted across a frame along with vertical stiles. As plantation shutters are typically made out of timber and PVC and external out of aluminium, they are incredibly sturdy. They don’t fade, crinkle or bend easily, and are generally considered to be a more permanent option as well. High quality shutters will last you for decades to come.

They can also be customised according to a variety of colours and finishes, so you can go for something that’s just right for you. White and timber hues are very popular, as they give off a classic, natural vibe that’s perfect for relaxation. And no, contrary to what most might think, white is absolutely not boring.

2. Shutters Offer Precise Light And Privacy Control

We mentioned above that shutters consist of louvres, but they’re not just for looks. In fact, they serve highly functional purposes. 

One, they help you control the level of light coming into your home during the day. Two, they help with how much privacy you want at any given time as well. Since you can select the size of the louvres you want, you get to further customise this accordingly. Not only will this suit the visual aspect precisely, you also get to enhance the practicality.

Aside from this they also control airflow; so during the hot Summer months, you can open up the louvres fully for a healthy breeze. If installed at a beachside retreat, you can enjoy that ocean air all day long!

3. Shutters Also Improve Energy-Efficiency

You want your home to be comfy-cosy and good insulation is an integral part of that. While you might say that you’ve got a functioning thermostat and great heating/ cooling, what’s that costing you? A lot probably.

Well, using shutters for windows in particular, is excellent for tackling this problem. They offer that extra layer of insulation you need, so your home becomes more energy-efficient. Which yes, then translates to lower bills and more savings. Shutters fit right up against the window frame, so they help block any transfer of air that may seep through. In other words, they effectively seal any gaps for enhanced insulation.

For double the effect in terms of looks and extra insulation, you could also consider shutters with blinds. There’s a wide variety of blinds to choose from, so you can pair them with shutters for a unique effect. Great for a different spin on things overall.

4. Child and Pet-Safe

When it comes to child and pet safety, shutters are absolutely fantastic! They don’t include any cords or chains of any kind to be operated, which gives you complete peace of mind. This ensures that any curious babies or fur babies can wander about and explore to their heart’s content. 

For this very reason, shutters are highly favoured for kids’ rooms and nurseries. Since they also have the added benefit of superior light control, daytime naps will be a breeze. 

5. Long-Lasting

Regardless of whether you’re considering plantation shutters or external shutters for windows, when it comes to longevity they lead the way. Whether you want to install shutters for your French door or shutters for windows, both are a solid investment. 

From solid hardwood to PVC and aluminium, the materials used are all durable and long-lasting. So no matter which you choose, you can be sure they’ll last you a while. Of course how often they’re used and how you look after them will have an impact too. Typically, they can last anywhere between 10-20 years. Our shutters are especially built for resistance, from structure to the type of paint used. 

The one thing to be sure of, is that based on the material in question you maintain them accordingly. For instance, ensure timber shutters are kept away from water and polished every so often. 

What Else?

Shutters are considered to be more ‘elite’ than other window furnishings options and it’s easy to see why. One thing you should bear in mind however, is that they don’t ‘disappear’. That’s to say that they can’t be raised out of sight to reveal a bare window when you want to. They’re always visible, regardless of whether the louvres are opened or closed. 

If you are looking for something in terms of security, then we highly recommend roller shutters. They come with an incredible range of benefits, and are streamlined and customised for a chic result. We can’t praise them enough, they really have so much to offer and are well worth a look.

Every home is different, so customising your shutters will give you plenty of flexibility. They can also be tailored for any shape, no matter how odd it might be! Get in touch with our team for a consultation and advice on the best options for you.