
How Do I Choose the Right Crimsafe Security Screen in Canberra?

When it comes to security screens for your home, Crimsafe Canberra is one of the most trusted brands available in the market. Security screens at your home serve a variety of purpose with the most important one being a safeguard against crimes. A recent home burglary was reported by the Canberra Times where three homes […]

Blockout Curtains: Why You Need Them In Your Home

Are you having trouble sleeping at night because of the extra lighting outside? Does your natural lighting create a glare on your television and computers? Do you want to reduce your room’s heat in the summer? Do you wish to save up on your energy bills? If you answer yes to any of these questions, […]

Roller blinds
Blockout Blinds & Curtains: What They Can Do For Your Home

Planning to dress up your windows with new curtains or blockout blinds? Well, before you head to a showroom or jump online, it’s important to think through a couple of criteria to find the best fit for your windows. Privacy and light control are two of the primary factors that typically influence the choice of […]

roller blinds
A Complete Buyer’s Guide to Roller Blinds

Roller blinds, or as some folks call them, Holland blinds, are super popular in Australia for a bunch of reasons. They’re easy to use, stylish, and fit almost any budget. Plus, they’re sleek, only need one piece of fabric to cover your window, and come with neat options like motor-free or kid-friendly controls. Picking the […]