The Benefits of Cordless Blinds

If you’re in the market for new window blinds, then it’s worth also looking at the benefits of cordless blinds. 

Much like their name suggests, these are free from strings, lines, cords and rods. The difference is that the strings weave inside the slats of the blinds instead of beside. You’ll also be glad to know that your favourite styles likely come in a cordless version.

‘But how does one operate them then?’ we hear you ask. Easy. All you have to do is pull on the bottom rail to lower them. To raise, simply push up the base. If the blinds in question have slats, you can tilt the rail both ways to operate them. When motorised, they can do all this with the help of a remote.

This simple operation makes them easy to use. The absence of cords makes them safe for homes with kids and pets. They are stylish and convenient, with a clean aesthetic that pulls any space together. Of course whether you prefer corded or cordless blinds is completely up to your personal preference. However, it also depends on the window in question. If it’s higher up, then cords would make it easier to reach.

When it comes down to it, practicality and functionality are key. So assess the needs for your lifestyle and home when deciding. In the meanwhile, here are some benefits of cordless blinds to help.

1. Attractive Design

There’s no doubt that cordless window furnishings look great simply because they look neater and cleaner. Since there are no cords or chains dangling down, the aesthetic is overall more streamlined. They look sleek and contribute to minimalism, which can help with reducing a cluttered feel. No more stuffing the cords out of sight or having them go haywire in the wind. Additionally, this doesn’t detract from the beauty and impact of a beautiful blind. You also have an extensive range of style options to choose from so you aren’t limited in any way. 

2. Easy to Operate

You most likely want your furnishings to improve your standard of living, and convenience is a big part of it. Luckily, cordless window furnishings do just that. Since they’re free of fiddly bits and bobs, operating them is super easy. Simply pull to lower or push the rail to raise. If this is the type of thing that makes a difference to you, then they’re certainly worth considering. Some include a button operation as well, and motorisation is an option too.

3. Safer for Children

Cordless blinds are typically the first choice for homes with children and pets. And let’s be honest, they’re the most curious inhabitants. Cords and chains can pose hazards such as strangulation, and you want your home to be a safe sanctuary. Instead of constantly needing to keep one eye on your loved ones, you can relax. However, corded window furnishings are also now designed with child-safety considered, so you still have peace of mind either way.

4. Low Maintenance

As it is, modern day window furnishings aren’t terribly high maintenance. But cordless ones are even less so as there aren’t any chains or cords to get tangled/ jammed or break. Additionally, the internal strings don’t wear out easily. No more wasting time untying twisted cords or stressing over stuck blinds. All of this makes them low maintenance and easy to manage.


Overall, cordless window furnishings are useful and practical. Your choice though depends on your unique needs. You can mix it up if you like as well. The main thing is that your choices won’t be limited, especially if they’re custom-made. And there are many reasons to choose custom-made blinds. We recommend speaking to our team to find out the best fit for you. We’ll let you know whether cordless blinds are the way to go, as well as help you pick out styles and fabric samples at home. Our expert consultants do in-home visits for your convenience and personalised attention, so be sure to book one in.